The best craft products
all in one place

Discover, order, track and pay all your suppliers in one place.

Start ordering
It's free!

Want to Succeed with Craft? Pivo it.

Discover 100's of suppliers

Stay on top of your orders

All in one place

Find the right products in seconds

All the products you want, at your fingertips. Find the products you love easily and discover what's new with flexible filters.

Order better, faster

Add products to your cart. Click "Checkout". That's it! Your suppliers instantly receive your order. Now sit down and cry realizing all the time you lost in the past.

Strong relationships, no extra work

Make juggling dozens of vendors easy. Keep your distributor in the loop. Stay on top of how much you owe and to whom by tracking all your orders and invoices in one place. Start a conversation anytime with suppliers & distributors.

What's included

Product search

Search and filter thousands of craft products

Compelling Listings

Access an up-to-date product catalogue, with dynamic images and information.

Order Management

Create, track, and pay orders in one place. Access your entire order history.

Accounts Payable

Keep track of how much you owe and to whom.

Online Payment

Pay online with the click of a button.

In-Order Chat

Goodbye emails. Conversations with suppliers appear within your order.

Did we mention it was free?

No catches. No hidden fees. Nada.
Start ordering

Start with PivoHub within a few clicks by following these three easy steps

Sign up
Connect with your suppliers
Order now

Sign up

1 Click on Sign up then enter your email and choose a password

2 Choose the option I am a retailer

3 Find your business by typing your address in the search bar

→ A supplier or member of your team may have already created an account for your business to manage your orders. In this case, complete the access request with your administrator or our support team. It will be approved quickly.
→ If this is not the case, fill in the information about your business. You will need:

  • a professional email address
  • the name and physical address of your business
  • your alcohol license number if applicable

Connect to your suppliers

1 In the right menu, choose the Suppliers tab

2 Find your favorite suppliers and send your first relationship requests

→ Some suppliers will automatically accept your request, some others require more time and will respond to your request in the upcoming days.

Each new relationship with a supplier will add products to your Marketplace

Place your orders

→ Once a supplier has approved your relationship request, you will be notified.
1 In the right menu, choose the Market menu tab

2 Add items with a single click

3 Review your order and submit it in no time

4 Confirm your order and track it at a glance in the Orders menu tab