
Supplier & buyer's most efficient way to use PivoHub

Connect your QuickBooks account today and save yourself hours of trouble and errors

It’s time to give your accountant some time back

Reliable :

No more errors in your process

Centralized Data:

Sales, purchases, inventory, and accounting are unified on one platform

Running through a tier system

The integration between PivoHub and QuickBooks simplifies and automates accounting and transaction management. Designed to reduce manual tasks and minimize errors, this solution seamlessly connects your order management on PivoHub with QuickBooks accounting software.

Steps for the PivoHub x QuickBooks integration via ProgyLink are straightforward and efficient.

  • First, you need to download and install ProgyLink. The software must then be configured to act as a bridge between PivoHub and QuickBooks.
    • This initial setup process typically takes between 30 minutes and 2 hours, depending on the complexity of your system.
    • If any issues arise, a dedicated support team is available to assist.
  • Once installed, every order placed on PivoHub is automatically transferred to ProgyLink.
    • The user must review and validate the information in ProgyLink before it is sent to QuickBooks.
    • This process includes confirming amounts, verifying order numbers, and inputting any missing data, such as client-specific or order-specific details.

ProgyLink also provides full control over financial transactions. Users can oversee and approve all transactions before they are recorded in QuickBooks, ensuring a compliant and accurate accounting process. Once approved, transactions are synchronized with QuickBooks, where they are available for reporting and financial tracking.

ProgyLink is designed to adapt seamlessly to your accounting system and ensures complete compatibility. In case of any issues, the support team is ready to provide troubleshooting and swift resolution.

The data transferred through ProgyLink includes :

  • client names,
  • order totals,
  • delivery routes,
  • delivery dates,
  • invoice numbers,
  • invoice statuses,
  • the latest operations,
  • and credit notes.

This solution offers key benefits, including full visibility and control over all transactions, reliable data validation to prevent errors, and flexibility with a system tailored to your specific needs. The integration ensures a smooth and accurate flow of transactions between PivoHub and QuickBooks, while keeping you in full control of your accounting processes.

First steps

We will build your package offer together

Contact us at support@pivohub.com


from 20$ to 167$ per month based on transactional volume

More info

Do not waste time and resources over deployment time; Progylink allows you to integrate your ERP with a few simple functions, which greatly speeds up your overall deployment process within your company.

Connecting QuickBooks to PivoHub provides centralized and efficient management of key business processes. By combining the robust accounting capabilities of QuickBooks with your PivoHub's activities, you can align your financial operations with other critical functions, such as inventory, order, and sales management.

Interested? Contact us to integrate your system

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